Wednesday, May 31

08:00               Registration opens

09:00               Introduction (Starrlight Augustine)

chair 1: Mike Kearney

09:15               Environmental sustainability challenges in the Arctic – developing solutions with the help of DEB (Keynote 1 - JoLynn Carroll)

10:00               Relating sub-organismal processes that occur at the molecular and cellular level to dynamic energy budgets (Cheryl Murphy)

10:20               Using Dynamic Energy Budget theory at the population scale to limit the risk of structural sensitivity (Clément Aldebert)

10:40               Decrease in food abundance in the non--breeding habitat may increase resilience of migratory populations (Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza)

11:00               Coffee, tea break

11:30               Modelling effects of environmental stressors on the population dynamics of the European sturgeon: first insight on downstream migration (Maxime Vaugeois)

11:50               Exploring the effect of temperature change on the spatial distribution of benthic species with a DEB-IBM model (Yoann Thomas)

12:10               Discussion / Questions

12:30               Lunch

chair 2: Tânia Sousa

14:00               Effects of mixtures explained (Keynote 2- Jan Baas)

14:50               Modelling individual and population dynamics in application to risk assessment of chemical mixtures (Gonçalo Marques)

15:10               Mechanistic model of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs) accumulation in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Emilien Pousse)

15:30               Dynamic Energy Budget for modelling 'imprinting': insights from rainbow trout (Bastien Sadoul)

15:50               Tea & posters

chair 3: Nina Marn

16:20               A Dynamic Energy Budget model of fish bioenergetics under exposure to realistic PCB and PBDE mixtures: consequences for life-history traits (Khaled Horri)

16:40               Dynamics of lipid storage in marine copepods and its consequences for effects of oil pollution (Tjalling Jager)

17:00               DebX – MOOC on modelling metabolism at the individual level using DEB theory (Tânia Sousa)

19:00               Dinner at Skirri 

Thursday, June 01

09:00               Arrival and coffee

chair 4: Roger Nisbet

09:15               A simple application of a complex ecosystem model (Keynote 3 - Sofia Saraiva)

10:00               Using modelling to investigate effects of climate warming on the reproduction of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the bay of Brest: from 1960 to 2100 (Mélaine Gourault)

10:20               Modelling the growth of the gilthead seabream (Sparus auratus) for aquaculture using the Dynamic Energy Budget (Inês Lopes )

10:40               Effects of plastic ingestions on the life cycle of an endangered sea turtle (Nina Marn)

11:00               Coffee, tea break

11:30               DeBInfer: Bayesian inference for dynamic models in R (Leah Johnson)

11:50               Comparison between two Derivative-Free Optimization Methods for DEB parameter estimation of different species (Jéssica Morais)

12:10               Discussion / Questions

12:30               Lunch

chair 5: Jaap van der Meer

14:00               General Ecosystem Models: virtual tools for the living world (Keynote 4 - Mike Harfoot)

14:50               Unexpected dynamics (including canard explosion) of fast-slow bitrophic food chains (Bob Kooi)

15:10               Population dynamics with multiple limiting nutrients: Life history mediated effects (Romain Richard)

15:30               Dynamic energy budgets in individual based population models: cross species test and application (André Gergs)

15:50               The western swamp turtle – a tortoise in a hurry (Michael Kearney)

16:10               Tea & posters

19:00               Networking Dinner at Polaria Aquarium

Friday, June 02

09:00               Arrival and coffee

chair 6: Jean-Christophe Poggiale

09:15               Biodiversity in the context of DEB theory (Keynote 5 -  Sebastiaan Kooijman)

10:00               The altricial-precocial spectrum of avian development according to DEB theory (Carlos Teixeira)

10:20               Physiological performances of Southern Ocean key species (Charlene Guillaumot)

10:40               Bayesian parameter estimation for Dynamic Energy Budget models of albatross growth (Philipp Boersch-Supan)

11:00               Coffee, tea break

11:30               Evolution and regulation of Symtrophic Symbiosis (Roger Nisbet)

11:50               Biologically mediated and abiotic mechanisms for light enhanced calcification and the cost of carbonates deposition in corals (Giovanni Galli)

12:10               Discussion / Questions

12:30               Lunch

chair 7: Bob Kooi

14:00               DEB for any species: making the most of existing knowledge (Jorn Bruggeman)

14:20               Demand driven reserve allocation: can the reproductive buffer modulate kappa? (Erik Muller)

14:40               Energy-limited tolerance to multiple stressors in the purple-tipped sea urchin, Psammechinus miliaris (Rose Stainthorp)

15:00               Damage-related protein turnover explains inter-specific patterns of maintenance rate in the DEB theory (Olivier Maury)

15:20              Physics of metabolic organization ( Marko Jusup)

15:40               Tea & Posters

16:10               conclusions

16:40               end