7th Virtual Special Issue on DEB in Ecological Modelling
Manuscripts of the 6th international DEB Symposium will be published in a virtual special issue of Ecological Modeling (Elsevier). This journal, with Brian D. Fath as Editor-in-Chief, features strictly refereed original research.
The virtual special issue opens on August 1, 2019 (date contributions can be submitted to the SI).
Submission deadline is February 1, 2020 (the date by which all papers were submitted to the Guest Editors for review and the submission site was closed).
Acceptance deadline: October 1, 2020 (the date by which all manuscripts should be fully reviewed and final decisions made on all manuscripts; and those failed to meet the deadline may be excluded). Expected online publication of date: January 1, 2021 (date the Virtual Special Issue is expected to be published) The Reviewing process will start for each Ms. as soon as it is submitted to JSR and enters the evaluation process. When accepted, the Ms. will be available on line with DOI and published in Ecological Modelling. The Ms. will then be assembled in the the virtual special issue.
There were six previous Special Issues on DEB theory:
- Ecosystem based management and the biosphere: A new phase in DEB research - Journal of Sea Research 2019
- Dynamic Energy Budgets in Bivalves - Journal of Sea Research 56(2006) issue 2
- Metabolic organization: 30 years of DEB applications and developments - Journal of Sea Research 62(2009) issue 2,3
- Developments in dynamic energy budget theory and its applications - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (2010)
- The AquaDEB project (phase II): what we've learned from applying the Dynamic Energy Budget theory on aquatic organisms - Journal of Sea Research 65(2011) issue 1
- Dynamic Energy Budget theory: applications in marine sciences and fishery biology - Journal of Sea Research 94(2014)