International Tele-course: to do list
- If you are working alone, try to find a colleague in your direct environment to work with. Working together is much more motivating and you get more out of the course as a result of this interaction. If you managed to find such a person, please let us know with whom you are working with; if not, however, please be welcome
- Complete the registration procedure
- Download DEBtool from the
Course materila page, and test its proper running.
Get some basic experience with
Octave 3.6.4 or
Both languages are very similar, and you can consult the 4-page introduction to Octave to learn the basics. We will not need much more during this course. - Fill the gaps in your prior knowledge; undust your basic mathematical training by having a glance at the Basic methods in theoretical biology available in course material. Have a glance at a textbook on basic physiology and ecology. You get more from the course when you compare its material with other text books on the topic. It is a good idea to collect a few for reference during the course.
- Read the document on notation also available from course material.

Calidris maritima, Purple sandpiper in Tromsø