Here are the 122 participants of the 2017 tele-course including 48 participants for the practical course

Here are the 48 participants of the 2017 School

Here is the list of participants of the 5th international symposium on Dynamic Energy Budget theory

Top: where all the participants come from. Middle: the 48 workshop participants during the excursion in Charlottenlund. Bottom: group photo during the 5th International symposium on DEB. Group photos are by Claudia Lopez Alfaro.

Participants of the previous editions of DEB courses and symposia

This is where the 123 participants of the 2015 tele-course came from:

View most of the 50 participants of the practical part in Marseilles

This is where the 109 participants of the 2013 tele-course came from:

View most of the 37 participants of the practical part in Texel on their excursion at 2013/04/20

This is where the 93 participants of the 2011 course came from:

View most of the 50 participants of the practical part in Lisbon on their excursion at 2011/04/09

This is where the 61 participants (red) and the advisors (magenta) of the 2009 tele-course came from:

View some of the participants of the practical part in Brest
View some of the participants of the practical part in Brest

This is where the 52 participants (red) and the advisors (magenta) of the 2007 tele-course came from:

This is where the 26 participants (red) and the co-organizers (magenta) of the 2005 course came from:

This is where the 48 participants (red) and the advisors (magenta) of the 2003 tele-course came from:

This is where the 57 participants (red) and the advisors (magenta) of the 2001 tele-course came from: