DEB2017 School & Symposium: Program for the 8 day practical part
Consult the program here
S.A. : starrlight augustine ; K.L : Konstadia Lika ; G. M. : Gonçalo Marques; M. K. : Michael Kearney; L.P. : Laure Pecquerie; J.M. : Jaap van der Meer; S. K.: Sebastiaan Kooijman; R. N. : Roger Nisbet; E. Z. Elke Zimmer; J-C. P.; Jean-Christophe Poggiale; B. K. : Bob Kooi; T.S. : Tânia SousaThe 5th international symposium follows directly after the workshop. You can access the program and the book of abstracts here
The contents of the lectures are regularily updated to the course description