You will find here links to relevant resources:
- AmP (Add-my-Pet) collection:
A free online database of DEB model parameters for over 1500 animal species, see
Marques et al. 2018
- Debber Species explorer:
This web server provides Dynamic Energy Budget parameters - expected values and their probability distribution - for any of the 1.6 million species in the Catalogue of Life.
It builds on the AmP collection of DEB parameters, which currently comprises nearly 1000 species. To extrapolate to any new species, the species explorer uses
a phylogeny-aware method that account for taxonomic relationships between species
(related species tend to have similar traits) and covariation (power law relationships) between DEB's primary parameters. It is currently based on AmP values from 2017.
- Zotero Library of DEB papers:
References to the over 850 papers published on the DEB theory since it's inception in 1979. You can access PDF when you are member of zotero.
- DEBtool
Library of matlab functions to perform a very wide range of DEB theory calculations.
- AmPtool
Library of matlab functions to analyse patterns in parameters from the
AmP collection
- DEBtox software:
Matlab software for analysis of toxicity data with DEB
- Plot reader:
Software which allows one to extract data from published figures
- NicheMapR
The biophysical modelling R package NicheMapR is a suite of programs for computing the heat, water and nutritional budgets of organisms.
- MOSAIC (MOdeling and StAtistical tools for ecotoxICology):
Web based Species Sensitivity Distribution calculator
- MOSAIC (MOdeling and StAtistical tools for ecotoxICology):
Web based estimation of GUTS parameters
External links:
Other interesting links: